EGU General Assembly 2025
During the EGU General Assembly in Vienna, Austria, from 27 April to 2 May, EO4EU partners, Vasileios Baousis from ECMWF and Stathes Hadjiefthymiades and Kakia Panagidi from the University of Athens, will lead a session related to Data, Software and Computing Infrastructures across Earth and Space Sciences.
Event Background
The European Geosciences Union (EGU) aims to provide a platform for scientists and researchers to present their work and discuss their investigations with peers in all fields of geoscience. The annual meeting connects researchers, practitioners, educators and policymakers, providing a forum for expert presentations and discussions surrounding the latest advances in the Earth, planetary, and space sciences.
EO4EU at the event
EO4EU will be represented during Session ESSI2, which focuses on use cases involving both Cloud and HPC computing. The aim of these sessions is to examine the current cloud computing landscape for Earth Observation and develop a framework for the adoption of Earth Modelling data processing.
The session details can be found below:
Convener: Vasileios Baousis | Co-conveners: Stathes Hadjiefthymiades, Kakia Panagidi
EGU General Assembly 2025 will dissect the priority challenges related to climate change, resource management, and natural hazards, while spotlighting the innovative research and developments across all geoscience disciplines. The conference places emphasis on creating an atmosphere for collaboration across fields, regions, and sectors to advance solutions environmental and societal issues.
Visit the dedicated event page for updates and additional programme details.
![EGU EGU](/sites/default/files/2024-12/1733230862268.jpeg)