Introducing EO4EU: Making Earth Observation data more accessible through next generation tools
Description and Scope
Global climate and environmental data sources will be made more accessible to environmental stakeholders, citizens, policy makers, and businesses through EO4EU - a new platform being developed by a consortium of universities, computing and research centres, and industry.
Join us in our first introductory webinar "Introducing EO4EU: Making Earth Observation data more accessible through next generation tools" on 22 July 2022, 10:00-11:00 CEST where you can hear directly from the project how you can benefit from the EO4EU Platform, what functionalities are expected, and how soon can you use them.
Watch the recording and download the slides here!
Who should attend and why?
Anyone who is interested in Earth or environmental data and easily accessing them should attend, but most especially:
- Research and academia representatives that need to easily access EO data for their research activities;
- Policy makers and actors at the European, national and even local levels that need decision-support tools related to satellite, urban, or environmental data for their jurisdictions and are interested in new tools and enhanced EO capabilities not requiring technical expertise to use;
- The private sector and their developers with interest in earth observation data for developing new solutions for their markets or for utilising EO data to improve their operations (i.e. shipping, insurance, transport)
- Earth and environmental data providers that want to see how to promote further use of their data and find opportunities for new value-added tools and services
- Citizen scientists and general public that would like to have better access to scientific EO and environmental data for their own research
- Experts active in standards development organisations that are interested in potential new standards recommendations that can come from the intersection of several technological areas under EO4EU such as Earth observation data with artificial intelligence, high performance computing, augmented reality, among others.
- 10:00:Welcome
- 10:05: Where Earth Observation data can help - A landscape overview
Vasileios Baousis (ECMWF),
EO4EU Technical Coordinator
- 10:15: Introducing EO4EU - Earth Observation at Your Fingertips
Stathes Hadjiefthymiades (NKUA),
EO4EU Project Coordinator- - EO4EU Platform Overview
- - Key functionalities and capabilities
- - Technologies leveraged
- - Use cases
- - Timeline
- - Opportunities for early adopters
- 10:35: Panel Discussion and Q&A with Technical WP leaders and speakers
- Prof. Stathes Hadjiefthymiades (NKUA),
EO4EU Project Coordinator
- Giota Lilli (eBOS),
EO4EU Requirements Elicitation and Conceptual Framework Specification Lead
- Dr. Vasileios Baousis (ECMWF),
EO4EU Data Orchestration & Machine Learning Lead
- Giuseppe Trotta (CINECA),
EO4EU Data Market Place Ecosystem Lead
- Monia Santini (CMCC),
EO4EU EO Data Uptake Demonstration Lead
- Moderated by:
Rob Carrillo (Trust-IT),
EO4EU Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Lead
- Prof. Stathes Hadjiefthymiades (NKUA),