Personalised Healthcare: Using EO4EU to further expand PASYFO, the first mobile allergy and airborne hazards forecasting service in the Nordics and Baltics.
Ocean monitoring: Optimising shipping industry travel time across different oceans through EO4EU tools by taking into account live weather data.
Food Security: Improving adaptability of food production using EO4EU access and tools to live climate data tracking and analysis in Italy.
Civil Protection: Improving civil protection activities (disaster and calamity prevention and response) using EO acquired datasets in Italy
Forest ecosystems: Improving forest productivity using EO4EU to simulate water, energy and carbon fluxes in Austria.
Soil erosion: Integrating rainfall datasets through EO4EU to assess soil susceptibility to water erosion across Europe.
Environmental Pests: Locust plague impact assessment and prediction in Yemen through EO4EU.
For Research and academia: EO4EU supports researchers and research institutions requiring more accessible EO data for their own work
For EO data providers: EO4EU can help promote further usage of your data through value added tools and services
For the Private sector: Encouraging new innovations through more accessible EO data & tools for non-technical users
For Citizen scientists and the general public: Enable citizen scientists to use more accessible EO tools and see how actions towards reducing the impacts of climate change and disasters through EO4EU tools
For Standards development organisations: Contribution of new EO data related standards coming out through practical integration activities.