The EuroGEO workshop held in Bolzano, Italy from October 2 to October 4, 2023, was a significant event that aimed to align European activities with the new strategy of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) and support the coordination and interlinking of actions at national and European levels to contribute to GEO’s initiatives. This report serves as a workshop proceeding report, capturing the key discussions, presentations, and outcomes of the workshop. With 350 participants from 54 countries (half in presence), the workshop covered diverse aspects of Earth observation and geospatial activities. The workshop began with an open session on national GEO activities and discussions on sustainable practices. The five EuroGEO Action Groups convened in separate plenary sessions, delving into key challenges and opportunities. The second day featured 12 parallel thematic sessions, fostering focused discussions on specific topics. The final day focused on shaping EuroGEO’s role and optimizing its positioning within the Earth observation landscape. Strategic roundtable discussions and planning sessions allowed participants to reflect on progress and identify areas for improvement. Overall, the report provides a comprehensive summary of the workshop, serving as a valuable resource for understanding European activities in Earth observation and geospatial activities and fostering collaboration among stakeholders.