
Smith, Zachary


The overarching dissemination and communication goal is to ensure the maximum uptake and adoption of the project’s results. Two communications and dissemination objectives to enable this are (1) to increase the relevance of the project’s value proposition and (2) improve the user journey toward conversion. The latter will consider three stages of the user journey, namely the awareness, considerations, and decision stages. This will allow to consistently target the audience in the communications and dissemination activities, thereby providing them a smooth transition from getting acquainted with the EO4EU platform to becoming users (see 2 Dissemination and Communication Objectives.

The communications and dissemination activities will target each of the identified stakeholder groups which include EO data providers, private sector, researchers and academia, policy makers, citizens and general public (see 3 Stakeholder Analysis). To ensure sufficient result exploitation, the applied methodology will include the generation of relevant content for each stakeholder group and their engagement as community members. Some of the tools that will be used include newsletters, social media schedulers, event tools, webinar videoconferencing tools, and event platforms.  

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